Becoming a signatory to the UK Stewardship Code (Code) marks a significant step for Berenberg in its commitment to responsible and sustainable investing for clients in the UK. The Code was first published by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) in 2010. Today, the Code is one of the most important standards for asset owners and asset managers, as well as the service providers supporting them, for the responsible allocation, management and oversight of capital invested on behalf clients. Around 290 companies are currently signatories to the code, representing assets under management totalling 60 trillion euros.
Based on twelve principles, which include topics such as governance, stewardship, investment approach, ESG integration, engagement and collaboration amongst others, applicants are assessed by the FRC on the extent to which their stewardship reporting fulfils the standards and expectations of the Code. Berenberg has successfully completed this application process for the 2023 reporting year, demonstrating the importance of responsibility, commitment and governance in its management of clients’ capital. Continuously improving the dialogue between asset manager and client as well as between asset manager and invested companies and promoting sustainable and responsible business practices, thereby creating added value for investors, are some of the core values of the UK Stewardship Code and equally crucial for Berenberg in its daily operations. By adhering to the principles of the Code, Berenberg is committed to continuously improving its stewardship and reporting to promote transparency, accountability and sustainable business practices.
‘We are delighted to be the first independent German private bank to fulfil the strict requirements of the UK Stewardship Code,’ explains Klaus Naeve, Head of Wealth and Asset Management at Berenberg. ‘This recognition is a great testament to our ongoing commitment to responsible investing and our proactive approach to the companies we include in our portfolios. In addition, compliance with the UK Stewardship Code demonstrates our long-term commitment to the UK market.’
Matthias Born, Head of Investments in Wealth and Asset Management at Berenberg, adds: ‘Adhering with the UK Stewardship Code reinforces and strengthens our commitment to sustainability and long-term value creation. We believe that responsibility is an integral part of the success of both our clients and the broader financial market."
The UK Stewardship Code report for the 2023 reporting year can be found here.
About Berenberg:
Berenberg was founded in 1590 and is one of today’s leading European private banks with its business divisions Wealth and Asset Management, Investment Bank and Corporate Banking. Managed by personally liable partners, the Hamburg-based bank has a strong presence in the financial centres of Frankfurt, London, and New York.

Important information
This information is a marketing communication. It is intended exclusively for clients in the »professional investors« or »semiprofessional investors« client category pursuant to section 1 (19) nos. 32 and 33 KAGB. This information and references to issuers, financial instruments or financial products do not constitute an investment strategy recommendation pursuant to Article 3 (1) No. 34 Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 on market abuse (market abuse regulation) nor an investment recommendations pursuant to Article 3 (1) No. 35 Regulation (EU) No 596/2014, both provisions in connection with section 85 (1) of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG). As a marketing communication this document does not meet all legal requirements to warrant the objectivity of investment recommendations and investment strategy recommendations and is not subject to the ban on trading prior to the publication of investment recommendations and investment strategy recommendations. This document is intended to give you an opportunity to form your own view of an investment. However, it does not replace a legal, tax or individual financial advice. Your investment objectives and your personal and financial circumstances were not taken into account. We therefore expressly point out that this information does not constitute individual investment advice. Any products or securities described may not be available for purchase in all countries or only in certain investor categories. This information may only be distributed within the framework of applicable law and in particular not to citizens of the USA or persons resident in the USA. The statements made herein have not been audited by any external party, particularly not by an independent auditing firm. Any future returns on fund investments may be subject to taxation, which depends on the personal situation of the investor and may change in the future. Returns on investments in foreign currencies may increase or decrease due to currency fluctuations. The purchase, holding, conversion or sale of a financial instrument, as well as the use or termination of an investment service, may give rise to costs that affect the expected income. Only the offering document (including the sub fund appendix if applicable), the Articles of Association of the Company and the subscription form (hereinafter referred to collectively as the »Sales Documents«) are authoritative for a decision on this investment. The Sales Documents are available free of charge in German from the Fund‘s Distributor. The business address of the Distributor is: Joh. Berenberg, Gossler & Co. KG (Berenberg), Neuer Jungfernstieg 20, 20354 Hamburg. A fund investment involves the purchase of shares in an investment fund, but not a specific underlying asset (e.g. shares in a company) held by that fund. The statements contained in this document are based either on own company sources or on publicly accessible third-party sources, and reflect the status of information as of the date of preparation of the presentation stated below. Subsequent changes cannot be taken into account in this document. The information given can become incorrect due to the passage of time and/or as a result of legal, political, economic or other changes. We do not assume responsibility to indicate such changes and/or to publish an updated document. Please refer to the online glossary at for definitions of the technical terms used in this document. Date 30.07.2024