Investment Strategy
The Berenberg Sentiment Fund invests in a well diversified portfolio of different asset classes. The underlying investment philosophy aims to generate positive returns over the entire market cycle by analysing globally written and spoken news in different languages (alternative data). Latest technology enables us to turn this unstructured data into actionable insights and use these for the prediction of price movements in financial markets.
Several hundred thousand global and unstructured real-time messages are analysed daily with latest Machine Learning technology and transformed into investment decisions, this process is fully automated. In addition, to the income from the active investment decision from sentimentmodels, ongoing interest income is to be generated through a bond floor portfolio.
- Globally diversified macro fund based on alternative sentiment data (market sentiment) and state-of-the-art technology.
- Less exposure to the development of the equity and bond markets.
- Good and highly diversified addition to many other fund concepts
- Investment universe with a focus on the asset classes commodities and currencies
Further details on the opportunities and risks of this fund can be found in the sales prospectus.
Indexed performance
Performance in 12-month periods
Asset classes
Top Holdings
Monthly market comment
Der Juli war an den US-Aktienmärkten von einer starken Rotation weg von Mega Caps, Technologie-, Wachstums- und Momentumwerten hin zu Small Caps und Value-Aktien geprägt. Die Erwartung einer baldigen Zinswende durch die US-Notenbank, eine sich abschwächende US-Konjunktur sowie ein zunehmender Pessimismus gegenüber Mega-Caps dominierten das Marktnarrativ. Ein ähnliches Bild zeigte sich an den europäischen Aktienmärkten, wo Small Caps und Value-Aktien eine deutliche Outperformance gegenüber ihren Pendants aufwiesen. Unerwartet niedrige US-Inflationszahlen und Konjunktursorgen führten auf beiden Seiten des Atlantiks zu Renditerückgängen bei sicheren Staatsanleihen. Bei den Rohstoffen konnte der Goldpreis in Euro deutlich zulegen, während Rohöl auf Monatssicht über 7% verlor. Der EURUSD schließt den Monat mit +1,15%. Der Berenberg Sentiment Fund beendete den Juli mit einer Performance von -0,11%.
Portfolio Management
Nico Baum
Nico Baum joined Berenberg in July 2018. In addition to leading the Innovation & Data team, Nico Baum is also Head of Business Management & Development within Asset Management.
Previously, Nico Baum was COO & Portfolio Manager in an Asset Management FinTech with a focus on Big Data analytics. Before that, he worked in Investment Banking in a leading German bank in Frankfurt and Hong Kong.